From LinerWiki
One of the more common complaints about the 'liners is that they were designed for people with long arms. Due to the internal wiring and the size (1.25") of the handlebars, the easiest way to get more pullback is to change the risers. Several companies produce risers for the 'liners, and construction differs greatly.
- Aeromach Manufacturing - Billet Risers - http://www.aeromachmfg.com/Billet_Risers_Yamaha_Roadliner_Stratoliner_p/am-4200.htm (Out of Business)
- Baron's Custom - Liner Pullback Risers - http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/1005/index.html
- Genmar - Part# Y127-BAC - http://www.zianet.com/genmar (Out of Business)
- Rivco - http://www.rivcoproducts.com (Still in Business but no longer offering risers)
- Thunder Manufacturing - Roadliner 2.25" Risers - http://www.thundermfg.com/store/index.php?l=product_detail&p=238
Aeromach's and Thunder's solution re-uses the OEM handlebar clamps. Baron's and Rivco's solution provide an entirely new clamp.